Saturday, January 4, 2014

He Gives and Takes Away

Nine weeks ago our lives changed forever! Nine weeks ago we welcomed our little girl in the world and three days later handed her to our Father.  The 5 or so hours we were in the NICU with Lucy when she was slipping away are forever etched in our memory!  I will never forget hovering over her and telling her how much I loved her...and telling her to hang on...and telling her there were so many things I wanted to teach her.  After the ultrasound of her brain, we knew there was a choice we were going to have to make.  There was nothing else the doctors could do.  Hunter and I stood there with our preacher.  We wept.  I screamed.  I almost walked out of the NICU without ever holding her.  I am so glad I changed my mind!  I told the nurses I wanted to hold her.  They unplugged all of her stuff.  They pulled up a rocking chair and Hunter and I sat there and stared at our little girl.  We stared at Lucy knowing that these would be the only memories we would make with her!  I sang Seek Ye First to of the songs I sing to the other 3 every single night. 

It gets a hair easier everyday, but we have a long road ahead of us!  Yes, it helps having my three kiddos to distract me, but sometimes it makes it harder.   There are times when I look at them, and I see a piece of our family puzzle missing.  I couldn't wait to watch them grow up with Lucy.  I just knew the boys were going to be so protective of her and Maggie was going to be the best big sister!  I couldn't wait to see Hunter fall in love with another daughter! 

But our God gives and takes away.  I know that!  When he takes away, it hurts really, really bad.  But I am learning so much about our Savior.  Have I gotten mad at Him?  Absolutely!  Have I screamed at him and asked why? You bet!  But at the end of the day I know he loves us unconditionally and His plans are best!  I can't see that right now, but I know in my heart it is true!


  1. Mimi, I think about y'all and pray for y'all every single day! I'm so glad your blogging. You are so strong and your faith is amazing. Love you!

  2. AL...thank you! And thank you for the continued prayers!


    The most popular proof-text in support of infant baptism is Acts 16:33. The problem is you have ignore other verses, such as Acts 16:31, 32, and 34.

    THE PROOF-TEXT: Acts 16:33 And he took them the same hour of the night and washed their stripes. And immediately he and all his family were baptized. (NKJV)

    Does that prove that infants were baptized? No it does not.

    The Jailer asked Paul and Silas what he needed to do to be saved. (Acts 16:30) The answer was: Acts 16:31 So they said "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household.(NKJV)

    The Jailer could not believe for his household. Salvation is an individual choice.

    Acts 16:32 Then they spoke the word of the Lord to him and to all who were in the house.(NKJV)

    Paul and Silas preached to all the household. Infants do understand the gospel. There were no infants hearing and believing the gospel.

    Acts 16:34 Now when he had brought them into the house, he set food before them; and he rejoiced, having believed in God with all his household.(NKJV)

    The Jailer and all of his household believed before they were baptized. Infants are not capable of believing in God. Infants cannot understand the gospel message. Infants cannot believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.

    The fact that the jailer and all of his household believed, eliminates the possibility of any infants being baptized that night.

    Jesus said in Mark 16:16 "He who believes and is baptized will be saved..."(NKJV)

    Paul and Silas did not the change the words of Jesus. Belief is required in order to be saved, as is baptism, and belief precedes immersion in water. There are no cases found in the Bible where an unbeliever is baptized. Infants are unbelievers.

    If God approves of baptizing unbelieving infants; then why not baptize unbelieving adults???

    You are invited to follow my blog.
