Sunday, March 2, 2014

Humbled to Say the Least

To look back over the last several months and see the Lord's hand in all of this is awesome to say the least! We received our first bill from Lucy the day after we buried her , and they continued to pour in. When we sat down and stared at the mound we weren't sure how we were going to tackle them. After much discussion and prayer we felt like The Lord was telling us to go forward and try and raise the money.

It is not an easy thing to have to ask for help...especially if it involves asking for money. But through fundraising Hunter and I have had many opportunities to share Lucy's story and most importantly the Gospel. It was so humbling to see how many people wanted to help us! We received donations in the mail, through our give forward page, and the silent auction/Valentine dance. We truly were able to see the body of Christ surround us in so many ways. Friends I haven't seen in years gave to help us out!

Hunter and I want to say thank you! Thank you for helping us, praying for us and loving on us! We have some of the most amazing friends that are truly walking alongside us during the most difficult time in our lives! All the sweet people that have sent me messages, called, written notes...thank you!
Galatians 6:2 says "bear one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ."   You have answered that call and we are forever grateful!!!

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