Sunday, April 20, 2014

Compassion goes a long way!!

I looked down at my phone yesterday and had a missed call from my brother. I quickly called him back. I looked forward to hearing his voice. It is a voice that soothes my aching heart and has always been someone that I have loved, adored and looked up to! In the weeks and months following Lucy's home going he and my sister-in-law called me EVERY single day to "check in."  They offered words of encouragement, wisdom and hope. Well, when he answered yesterday his first question to me was " are you?" My response of "I'm fine" didn't convince him.  I bursted into tears. It always feels good to cry but there is just something safe and comfortable about crying to my big brother! He listened to my heartache and had so many encouraging things to say! But most importantly he was pointing me back to the cross! I needed him reminding me to cry to Jesus and the promise I have of eternity with my Savior...and Lucy! How thankful and proud I am that my brother will speak truth into me!

When I think about our conversation the word that comes to my mind is compassion! In this self-serving world of selfies, FB statuses, instagrams,etc...compassion and selflessness is something that is fading fast! I hope my kiddos can be as compassionate, selfless, and loving as their uncle! I hope and pray they love The Lord like he does, too!!

I have seen compassion from dear friends as well!   I got a sweet text message from a friend this morning right after I arrived at church. She said, "I am heartbroken for you and praying!" She knew that today was probably hard and wanted me to know she was thinking about me! Those few words meant so much and go a long way!! Another dear friend said that just the other day she saw a picture of something I had monogrammed for Lucy and she started crying! And then two other friends listened  the other day while I just talked about Lucy and how much I miss her! My list could go on and on of the things friends have done, said, and continue to weekly walking partner that listens to me talk and cry, talk and weekly prayer group that constantly speaks truth into my life...our small group that has loved on us through all of this!!!

So I guess I can wrap this post up by just saying how thankful I am! I am so thankful for my brother and my friends...I am so thankful for their compassion and love! I am thankful they are being the light of Christ!

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