Thursday, January 16, 2014

He is the Same God

I am so blessed to be in a weekly prayer group with some of the most incredible, Godly women.  It certainly helps me get through these weeks that seem to be really long at this point in our lives. Anyway, while I was there yesterday I received a message from Hunter that had some disappointing news in it.  We were waiting to hear from a guy in hopes that he could help us negotiate our MSHA bill. (This is the largest bill).  Hunter's message simply said..."he can't help." Another dead end. I told the girls in my prayer group I just feel like..."Where's God"?  I know he is strong, mighty, and sovereign but where is he? It is hard enough losing our little girl but then this and it is disappointment after disappointment!

Well, one of the girls reminded me by saying..." Mimi, he is the same God now as he was when he took Lucy...and when he told Moses to part the Red Sea(exodus 14:1-31)...and when He told Moses to strike the rock and water came pouring out(Numbers20:1-13).  He can do immeasurably more than we can imagine. It all comes down to faith. I said yesterday, " I know he is looking down and saying 'oh ye, of little faith'...but, through all of this I know he is strengthening my faith. We have nothing to cling to but Him.  He's got this!

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